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Main Screen Overview

On the left side of the screen, the properties that define the template are displayed. Below is a list of the properties and their description.



Main Description

Briefly describes what the template is. This is a note to the designer. The description to the end user comes from Item Maintenance in e-Quantum.

Extended Description

Describes the template in detail. This is a note to the designer. The description to the end user comes from Item Maintenance in e-Quantum.

Q2000 Client ID

Designates the Q2000 Client that this template is linked to. * See warning below.

Q2000 Item ID

Designates the Q2000 Item ID that this template is linked to. * See warning below.

Vendor ID & Plant ID

Designates the Q2000 Vendor and Plant ID that this item is linked to.

Allow History Update

Allows the user to Update entries to history records from the Template Input Screen.

WARNING: In order for the Q-Design template to be attached to the item, the Client ID and the Item ID must match exactly to the Client and Item that are uploaded to Quantum Net.

On the right side of the screen the template page views are displayed.




Allows you to add colors for use on the template.


Allows you to add fonts for use on the template.


Allows you to add, edit or import history lookup data.

Add Page

Allows you to add a new page to the template

Edit Page

Allows editing of the current page

Delete Page

Allows you to delete a page

Import Page

Used to import a page from a scalable vector graphics (SVG) file format.

Preview PDF

Used to preview the current page in the PDF format.

Test Form

Used to test the input form and preview the entire template in the PDF format..

See Also

Navigating the Main Screen